Dreams of MinotaurWhen I came to Sweden in the sixties, a period of search began. This gradually led me to turn to myself and to discover the Minotaur - my alter ego. The best we all have inside us.
Most animals are free of egoism, greed, possessiveness and conquest. If they kill, they do it to defend themselves or for food, and only for the specific moment. So if we were to compare man’s behavior towards his fellow man, my Minotaur, or call it "your lion" or "your dove", is lightyears ahead of man with regard to existence in a society. My Minotaur can fly with joy. It can cry in its loneliness. It can love. At night, it feels the attraction of the full moon and takes off to meet it, leaving behind the labyrinth of megacity, politics, capitalism, dirty games. It turns its back on globalisation. And it is glad that it can oppose anything that smells like consumerism, like stock market or like a threat to the concept the life. On its journey Minotaur only takes its favourite images with it.
© Matheo Yamalakis, 2010 |